Hey ho! The weather here in Dublin has been just too good to be true:-) I think it is important to give you self a break from all the hard work that is part of getting a band off the ground. But not for long;-) So most of this wonderful weather I have seen through the window. I have been posting our E.P. “Play it loud!” To any one and every one. I'm starting to know the staff in my local post office;-). Also we started work on some new songs, and they are sounding brilliant:-)
Lets go back to the promotion for a moment. This is something you need to be doing constantly! If I would put down on a piece of paper everything is I have done promoting bands through out my career, it would be over whelming, it would feel like years worth of work for very little return. But this is something that you should be doing all the time. It should become a second nature to you. It's something that should not take over everything, but at the same time it should be part of everything. I've seen so many bands still today expecting the music being enough. So I thought to make here a bit of a reality check list:
1. Your band need to have a website! It is not a such big deal to get it done, just do it already!
2. Start building a mailing list. You can do this by utilizing some of the service providers, like fanbridge.com
3. Rehearse a tight set of minimum 30 mins, preferably 45mins. Practice it as you were playing a concert. Record and video it, and look back and learn! Don't worry about the quality, even your camera phone will do the job.
4. Have a promotional pack: Good band photo, some live shots if possible, Simple biography, that WILL describe your music! No excuses here, I know you sound like no one else, but gues what? You do! Ask your friends, like ten or so. Even if you don't like what they say, if few of them say you sound like so and so artist, then more than likely thats what you sound like. Or even the style music it is. I would put jpkallio.com in to classic rock and modern punk rock, not that hard is it?
5. Go out and start gigging!
6. Get some video, it is probably the best promotional tool you can have. It does not need to cost you a fortune, just be creative. And if you really can't do it, there are people out there who will help you.
7. Don't wait things to happen. Make them happen! If you want to play a gig, go out and get one, don't wait for some one to bring it to you on a silver plate. If you want to record a CD, do so. What's stopping you? Money? Well start saving, go busking, what ever it takes. Don't just wait some one to offer you a record deal out of the blue.
8. Get busy on the socialmedia, but don't think this can replace your website
9. Network, be nice, help out other bands! Don't think any one wants to help you if you're not willing to return the favor.
10. Last but not least, start right now! Not tomorrow, not next week, right now!
I know some of it sounds bit harsh, but don't worry, I'm only trying to get the point cross. And I do stand behind my words about the number 9. So if you still feel lost and don't know where to start, get in touch with me and we'll see if I can get you started with your promotional plan.
Now to some updates: jpkallio.com have few concerts on the way. We'll be playing in the Pint, one of our favorite venues:-), on Wednesday the 4th of May in the Festival 4 play night. Doors 8pm and €5 in. There is going to be loads of drink promotions on the night as well. Its going to be a good one. Then on the 5th of May we are taking part in the Courtyard hotels battle of the bands in Leixlip. Again doors at 8pm. It's a new venue for us, so really looking forward to it. Really hoping to see you at the gigs. There are few more on the way as well, but more on them later.
For now, go out and enjoy that spring weather for a while and then back to work:-)